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Дорогие друзья, с радостью сообщаем о завершении переезда в новое здание по адресу Санкт-Петербург, Шушары, 2 Бадаевский проезд, 5 к.1

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About Us

Official Company Reference,

Dated 25/03/2021.


SocTrade Limited/ ООО «СокТрейд» (The Company official registration number 1027804901618, TIN 7810185289) registered in Saint-Petersburg, Russia dated 02/02/2000 as the privately owned business company focused on high tech engineering solutions for Industrial Plants and various Clients within Energy and Petrochemical Industry. Founders of the company successfully run the company business based on their professional contacts and outstanding experience in the international communications, engineering and sales.


 SocTrade Limited Company operates in the field of on-line analyzing systems supply for quality control in Russia and CIS. The Company design, develop, assemble and sell analytical systems for on-line technological analysis of oil refining and petrochemical plants.

The Company holds the long-term business partnership with INTERTEC-Hess GmbH, as an exclusive engineering solutions provider, supplies and assembles the special weather protection and temperature-controlled boxes (DIABOX, MULTIBOX), cabinets (CLASSIC and BASIC) and shelters (CLASSIC and ARCTIC) for field instrumentation outdoor installations for all the harsh climate ambient conditions for various industrial plants areas. All the proven solutions include also high quality heating with VARITHERM and MULTUTERM explosion-proof heaters, and cooling based on Ice Qube technologies, to guarantee a reliable functioning of the equipment in the hazardous areas of petrochemical plants in the most severe climatic conditions.

The Company works as an official distributor of international manufacturers from USA, Japan, UK, EU such as Fuji Electric, Barthel Armaturen, Hydramotion, Process Insights (COSA+Xentaur, LAR Process Analysers) , X-ray Optical Systems, Guided Wave Inc, IceQube and some other international brands.

SocTrade  offers a new generation of on-line process analyzers and protective equipment, as well as analyzers that solve a variety of problems in the field of environmental quality control and emission monitoring. The Company support the manufacturing of the wide range of industrial explosion-proof air conditioners for zones 1 and 2.

The main mission of the company is to provide the most accurate measurements and superior analyzer complexes designed, engineered and assembled by SocTrade for oil refining, petrochemical and energy plants in Russia, and other countries.

Currently, SocTrade’s representative offices and partners operate in 20 regions of Russia. The company’s production has been established at industrial sites in Saint Petersburg and in the city of Protvino, Moscow Region. Field Instrumentation cabinets, boxes and junction boxes, produced under SocTrade SPE trademark locally.

All the equipment supplied by SocTrade provides full-fledged on-line analysis in accordance with the Russian and international technological standards GOST and ASTM. All Instruments/Analysers and other equipment have a Certificate of the type of measuring instruments and calibration methods used in the Russian Federation, as well as necessary certification. Our experts provide all kind of engineering training for the customers to support local installation and worry free maintenance, warranty and after-sales service.

Our regular partners and clients operate among the Russian oil refining and petrochemical industries. The Company support successful cooperation with the most well-known international engineering providers like Yokogawa, Emerson, Honeywell, Siemens, Schneider Electric.





Besides the trading and manufacturing activities, the Company supports the Unique Research and Engineering Center established based on SocTrade Process Engineering experience, where leading experts in the oil industry provide free counseling to the industry designers for on-line technological analyzers applications and local project activities.



For more than 20 years, SocTrade Limited St-Petersburg has been assisting its customers to ensure accurate quality control by offering equipment and exceptional service at each stage of cooperation.

The official Company contacts and other details might be found on the official web page www.soctrade.ru.





Disclaimer: SocTrade Limited St-Petersburg run its own business, as independent, privately owned company, registered in St-Petersburg Russia heading by Sole CEO and UBO, based on the official company registration under registration number 1027804901618, TIN 7810185289.

The Company not connected by any means of the business, controlling persons or ownership to any other companies with similar looking names, and must not be considered as part of any business or holing group.


Official business details might be found at legal registration references and financial company statements, audited by the independent authorized companies.

Any other details available under additional requests.



www.soctrade.ru, info@soctrade.ru           Тел./812/600-07-32 , факс:/812/600-07-31

Please, feel free to call or e-mail us:
Tel./fax: +7 812 6000730
E-mail  info@soctrade.ru

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